Björn Braun

Frischzelle_16: Björn Braun
“I do not search, I find”—this quote from Pablo Picasso aptly describes the working method of artist Björn Braun (b. 1979 in Berlin). The artist uses existing material and manually renders it in an elaborate manner to lend it new contextual meaning. The backrest and leg of a chair, for example, become a landscape shaped of hand-molded paper. For his works, Braun also seeks assistance from field mice, zebra finches, and peacocks. As such he casts the tracks of a field mouse in plaster and, on the front edge of the impression, forms a plaster landscape with his hand. With such processes of transformation Braun generates collages, objects, and spaces that speak of home and a feeling of security.
Curator Ilka Voermann
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