I Got Rhythm. Art and Jazz since 1920
In the 1920s and 1930s jazz from the United States took Europe by storm, conquering the ballrooms and dance halls, bars and cafés, music halls and movie houses. The new music was the first popular phenomenon—it was pop before pop existed—and enthralled the bohemian world and affluent middle class as much as it did adolescents and intellectuals.
With works by major artists such as Otto Dix, Piet Mondrian, Jackson Pollock, Andy Warhol, K.R.H. Sonderborg, A.R. Penck, and Jean-Michel Basquiat, the exhibition “I Got Rhythm. Art and Jazz since 1920” demonstrated how jazz provoked a remarkable response in the art scene throughout the twentieth century. Even today there is an abundance of examples demonstrating the influence that jazz has on artistic processes, ideas, and production.
A selection of works from the 1920s into the present day exemplified the close connections and interplay between jazz and artistic trends of the period. On display were diverse artistic explorations of jazz, starting with paintings of classic modern period continuing with works of European and American postwar abstraction and culminating in contemporary installations and video pieces.
Curators Sven Beckstette, Ulrike Groos, Markus Müller (bureau müller, Berlin)
Research assistance Daniel Milnes
Sponsored by Kulturstiftung des Bundes, Porsche AG, Baden-Württemberg Stiftung, BW Bank, Allianz, Robert Bosch Stiftung, Klangerfinder, Holtzbrinck Publishing Group
Mobility partner Deutsche Bahn
Media partner Ströer, SWR 2
Karel Appel, Ernie Barnes, Willi Baumeister, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Romare Bearden, Max Beckmann, Peter Blake, Volker Böhringer, Paul Colin, Miguel Covarrubias, Beauford Delaney, Otto Dix, Kees van Dongen, Stan Douglas, Arthur Dove, Jean Dubuffet, Raoul Dufy, Marlene Dumas, Bettina Ehrlich-Bauer, Ditte Ejlerskov, K. O. Götz, George Grosz, Carry Hauser, Richard Hamilton, Anton Henning, Rashid Johnson, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Konrad Klapheck, Paul Klee, Franz Kline, Jutta Koether, Willem de Kooning, František Kupka, Norman Lewis, Carl Lohse, Adolf Loos, Verena Loewensberg, Chris Martin, Henri Matisse, Manfred Mohr, Piet Mondrian, Bruce Nauman, Albert Oehlen, The Otolith Group, Joe Overstreet, Palermo, A.R. Penck, Francis Picabia, Rose Piper, Jackson Pollock, Lotte B. Prechner, James Rosenquist, Xanti Schawinsky, Bernard Schultze, Gino Severini, Michael Snow, Frank Stella, Walter Stöhrer, K.R.H. Sonderborg, Kara Walker, Andy Warhol, Jack Whitten
I Got Rhythm. Kunst und Jazz seit 1920 /
I Got Rhythm. Art and Jazz since 1920
Edited by Ulrike Groos, Sven Beckstette and Markus Müller
With a foreword by Ulrike Groos and essays by Sven Beckstette, Anne Anlin Cheng, Ulrike Groos, George E. Lewis, Daniel Milnes, and Markus Müller
Hardcover, 288 pages, German / English
Prestel Verlag
ISBN 978-3-7913-5497-2
Out of print